Catholics Speak Out Against DHHS Nominee

HLI president slams Catholics United support for Sebelius nomination

Front Royal, Va., Mar 3, 2009 / 07:56 pm (CNA).- Joining other pro-life leaders, Fr. Thomas Euteneuer is speaking out against a group of Catholic scholars and leaders who are supporting President Obama’s choice of Kathleen Sebelius for HHS Secretary.
Citing Sebelius’ vetoes of restrictions on late-term abortions and her relationship with the abortionist George Tiller as “troubling,” the president of Human Life International says that “faithful Catholics everywhere are scandalized both by Sebelius’s repeated and disingenuous invocation of her faith as justifying her pro-abortion record.”

New Catholic website protests Gov. Sebelius’ Cabinet nomination

Washington D.C., Mar 3, 2009 / 01:52 pm (CNA).- Catholic opponents of Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius’ nomination to become Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have launched a new website which decries her “extremist support for abortion” and solicits petition signatures protesting her nomination.
The site characterizes Gov. Sebelius, a Democrat and self-described Catholic, as “an avid supporter of the most radical abortion politics.”

I know that there were MILLIONS of Catholics that voted for Obama KNOWING that his pro-abortion agenda would lead to nominations like this. SHAME on ANY Catholic who voted for Obama.

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